Boutique Asian casino operator Silver Heritage Group Ltd says it has “closed until further notice” its two casinos in Nepal, as part of efforts in that country to contain the further spread of the Covid-19 virus.

The Australia-listed company owns and operates the casino property Tiger Palace Resort Bhairahawa (pictured) on Nepal’s border with India. The group also manages gaming at the Millionaire’s Club and Casino, in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal.

In a Monday filing, Silver Heritage said the decision to suspend gaming operations was due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The temporary closure followed an official circular from the Home Ministry of the government of Nepal which, among other things, “temporarily prohibited gatherings of 25 of more people in public,” the company told the Australian Securities Exchange.

The hotel at Tiger Palace Resort “will also be closed until further notice,” said Silver Heritage. The suspension of hotel operations comes after a ban on international travel to and from Nepal as announced by the country’s Prime Minister, added the company.

Nepal has imposed a partial lockdown with the government suspending international flights, long-distance transport services and closure of educational institutions. The government has also halted non-essential services by both private and public sectors from March 23 to April 3.

The Covid-19 virus outbreak – recorded first in mainland China – has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, with infections across the Asia-Pacific region and the globe.

In recent days casino markets in Australia and in the United States have announced suspension of casino business as part of efforts in those nations to address the spread of the novel coronavirus associated with the Covid-19 disease.

In Asia, the Philippines has temporarily shut down its casino sector and casinos in South Korea have reportedly closed down their gaming operations for a two-week period. Other markets remain open but with severely-constrained earnings due to factors including bans either on all foreigners or on people travelling from infected areas.